
Occupational 安全 (Online), AAS

通过火博体育在线获得热门安全学位. 我们的在线应用科学副学士(AAS)职业安全学位为您帮助保持工作场所安全做好准备. 我们为期两年的课程将教授您重要的安全原则,以便您可以开始或提升您的职业生涯. Because our program is 100% online, 你在选课方面有很大的灵活性.

有职业安全认证学位和一年的工作经验, 你可以参加副安全专业人员(ASP)认证考试, which will further advance your career. 准备好加入日益增长的环境,健康和职业安全领域,今天申请! 

Why Study Occupational 安全?

职业安全对保护工人免受伤害至关重要. With an associate degree in occupational safety, 您可以确保员工在安全和健康的环境中工作. 学习如何评估工作环境、程序和设备. 学习政府机构的规定,如职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA).

Upon graduation, you’ll be knowledgeable in:

  • 应用法规要求和行业最佳实践
  • Cost analysis and budgeting
  • General safety management
  • Hazard assessment in the workplace
  • 安全 training

由于许多企业都要求有安全部门,因此对职业安全工作者的需求不断增加. With the online Occupational 安全 AAS, 你可以在这个重要的领域开始或发展你的职业生涯.

在许多职业安全项目中,你可以获得证书或副学士学位. While both offer the classes you need for your career, 火博体育的职业安全AAS为您提供更全面的教育, 为你获得更高薪水的工作和更快的晋升做准备. Your additional courses teach you:

  • 火博体育雇用安全技术人员和专家的各种行业
  • Communication and leadership skills

Why Earn an AAS in Occupational 安全 at San Juan College?

100% Online 安全 Degree Program

Complete your Occupational 安全 AAS from wherever you are. Our program offers its courses completely online, 这意味着你可以在工作的同时上课.

在SJC, you'll get flexibility that fits your life. 每门专业课程都按照时间划分,以适应繁忙的日程安排. That means they can be completed in eight weeks, 让你用传统学期一半的时间来学习,加快你的学习速度. 我们所有的课程都是全年提供的,所以你可以在你有时间的时候参加.

OSHA-Based and Other Regulatory Training

我们的职业安全AAS涵盖了一系列与工作场所安全有关的监管政策, including OSHA standards. 以下是你将了解到的一些监管政策:

  • OSHA StandardsOSHA是负责执行工作场所安全法规的主要联邦机构. Much of your training is based on OSHA standards, including hazardous materials handling, emergency planning, and accident investigation.
  • Environmental Regulations:学习影响工作场所安全的环境法规, such as the Federal Clean Air Act, and perform hazard assessments.
  • Fire 安全 Regulations: Understand fire safety regulations, 例如统一消防规范和国家消防协会(NFPA)标准. You'll learn about fire prevention, fire suppression and detection systems, and flammable gas and liquid safety.
  • Workers' Compensation Laws学习了解100多条有关工伤的法律法规, correct mistakes and keep costs under control.

Approved G.I. Bill® Online Distance Learning

你是想从事职业安全工作的老手吗? You can use the G.I. 比尔®职业安全在线课程在火博体育! Learn more about distance learning under the Post-9/11 GI Bill®. Contact SJC's Veteran Center to help you get started.

Affordable Option

SJC's low tuition rates 使职业安全AAS学位课程成为您的绝佳投资. 你将接受高质量的教育,为你的职业生涯做好准备. 你也可能有资格获得学位,通过免学费 NM Opportunity and Lottery Scholarships.


全面了解不同工作场所的职业安全管理. 在SJC, learn how to evaluate work environments, procedures, and equipment to ensure compliance with regulations. Topics in the occupational study curriculum include:

  • Environmental Management
  • Fire Prevention and Protection
  • Fleet 安全
  • Hazard Communication & Right-To-Know
  • Industrial Hygiene
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • 安全 & Health Training
  • Worker's Compensation

Through your knowledge and skills, you will qualify for the Associate 安全 Professional (ASP) 毕业后参加一年工作经验的证书考试.

毕业时,你也会了解到通常雇用安全专业人员的各种行业, including energy. 你的副学士学位还包括通识教育课程,这将帮助你成为一个更好的沟通者和批判性思考者, positioning you to advance in your career.

Occupational 安全 AAS Curriculum

Transfer Option

开始你的旅程,通过SJC获得职业安全学士学位. 我们和华尔道夫大学有转让协议允许你转让你的职业安全AAS. 在那里,你可以在短短两年内完成职业安全学士学位. +, their program is offered completely online, which means you can complete your degree wherever you live. Save time and money through our transfer option. Contact the Occupational 安全 Coordinator to find out more. 

Careers and Outcomes for Occupational 安全 AAS Graduates

通过获得职业安全方面的副学士学位,你可以在许多行业快速晋升. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 从2021年到2031年,职业健康和安全专家和技术人员的总体就业人数预计将增长5%. 随着越来越多的工作场所寻找合格的工人来确保安全和合规,这种需求可能会增长.

职业安全专业的毕业生在许多工作场所从事安全工作, including the following popular industries:

  • Construction
  • Emergency management
  • 能源
  • Entertainment
  • Government agencies
  • Hospitals
  • Manufacturing
  • Military
  • 矿业
  • Solid waste

View SJC's Occupational 安全 Job Listings

Online Learning Success

Going back to school to earn a degree can be difficult. 但火博体育通过我们100%的在线职业安全课程和可访问的教授使其变得容易. Hear Troy share his experience at SJC.

Next Steps

要注册在线职业安全课程,您必须首先向火博体育申请. It's easy, and you can apply online at any time!

应用 Now

If you are already a student at San Juan College, 和你的导师谈谈我们的在线职业安全应用科学副学士学位.

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West Classroom Complex,
Room 1911

M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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