
Toyota Technical Education Network Program (T-TEN)

获得所需的培训和知识,成为丰田和雷克萨斯汽车的认证技师. 火博体育的丰田技术教育网络(T-TEN)计划将在短短两年内为你的职业生涯做好准备. In our hands-on program, 你将在SJC校园和赞助丰田或雷克萨斯的经销商那里度过一段时间, where you will be paid. 通过我们为期两年的快速培训计划,您将获得成为丰田或雷克萨斯认证技师所需的经验. 

Why Enroll in the T-TEN Program?

丰田和雷克萨斯以拥有一些最可靠的车辆而闻名. 通过成为丰田或雷克萨斯汽车的维修技师来维护这种声誉. T-TEN计划通过讲座为您提供有关当前丰田和雷克萨斯技术的专家培训, labs, and on-site training at a Toyota or Lexus dealer.

Within this program, you will:

  • 使用最新的丰田和雷克萨斯汽车、零部件和教学材料.
  • Practice using high-tech diagnostic equipment.
  • Study how to repair Toyota and Lexus vehicles.
  • 在丰田或雷克萨斯经销商完成为期八周的带薪实习.

T-TEN计划有一个独特的时间表,最大限度地提高你的训练. You will spend eight weeks in the classroom, 然后在丰田或雷克萨斯的赞助经销商那里待上八周. 这个轮岗系统会一直持续到你完成这个项目. With this format, 你可以在课堂上和汽车经销店里实践你所学到的知识, helping to solidify your knowledge. 当你毕业的时候,你将准备好在丰田或雷克萨斯经销商开始你的职业生涯.


Partnership with Toyota

SJC is proud to be one of 37 schools across the U.S. that offers the T-TEN program. By completing our two-year program, 如果你只是在经销商工作,你将接受5-10年的高级技术人员培训.

Because of our designation, 丰田和雷克萨斯提供20-25辆车龄不超过5年的车辆用于培训. 你将学习使用最新的丰田和雷克萨斯技术和工具. 我们的合作伙伴关系将为您作为丰田或雷克萨斯认证技师的职业生涯做好准备. 

Degree and Certificate Program Options

At SJC, 你可以获得丰田技术教育网络应用科学副学士学位或丰田技术教育网络证书. Choose the program that best fits your needs.

The T-TEN AAS 一个两年制的学位课程是否包括汽车技师课程和通识教育课程. After you complete the program, 你将具备成为丰田或雷克萨斯认证技师的技能. With your degree, 你可以转到四年制的学校去获得汽车领域的学士学位. 你也会更适合经销商服务写手这样的工作.

The T-TEN Certificate 是一个为期两年的项目,重点是获得成为丰田认证技师的技能. 你将获得在丰田经销店或类似机构开始汽车技师职业生涯所需的培训.

Paid Real-World Experience 

As part of your training with Toyota vehicles, 你将在丰田或雷克萨斯经销商的赞助店工作. 在此期间,你将按小时计酬,并根据你的表现获得加薪.

During the program, 你将轮流在学校的课堂和实验室里待上八周,在丰田或雷克萨斯的经销店里待上八周. 这种模式可以让你在课堂上学习,然后在丰田和雷克萨斯汽车上亲身实践你的技能. 您将获得维修程序的实际经验,并了解经销商的服务操作.


Affordable Option

Take advantage of SJC's low tuition rates with our Toyota Technical Education Network Program. While in our program, you will pay in-state rates. 你甚至有资格获得学位,通过免学费 NM Opportunity and Lottery Scholarships.


丰田汽车和SJC合作提供T-TEN AAS学位和证书课程. As part of the deal, 你将直接接触丰田和雷克萨斯汽车以及最新的技术. You'll learn in SJC classrooms and labs for eight weeks. 然后,你将在丰田或雷克萨斯的赞助经销商处度过八周时间. 这种轮岗将在该项目为期两年的时间内持续进行.

You'll study these courses:

  • Automatic Trans/Transaxles
  • Brake Systems
  • Engines & Related Systems
  • Heating and Air Conditioning
  • Toyota Electrical Systems
  • Toyota Fuel & Emission Systems
  • Steering and Suspension
  • Toyota Hybrid Systems and Diagnosis


  • Customer service
  • Job search skills
  • On-the-job safety
  • Team cooperation

T-TEN课程将为你获得汽车技师证书做准备. They include:

  • ASE Certifications
  • NC3 Certifications
  • S/P2 Certifications

If you are studying for the T-TEN AAS, 你将参加额外的SJC课程,使你成为一个全面发展的学生. They include:

  • A communications course
  • A mathematics course
  • First-Year Seminar
  • Introduction to Business
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Survey of Physics and Lab

Curriculum for T-TEN AAS

Curriculum for T-TEN Certificate

Careers and Outcomes

There is a great demand for skilled automotive technicians. With new technology, cars are becoming more sophisticated, leading to a demand for well-trained workers. 此外,由于退休,还有许多空缺职位. 这导致了T-TEN项目毕业生的高需求就业市场.

我们的大多数学生成为丰田认证的技师,在丰田汽车上工作. Other job opportunities include:

  • Automotive parts salesperson
  • Car and truck salesperson
  • Service writer at dealerships
  • Small business owner

Employers of SJC's T-TEN graduates include:

  • American Toyota
  • Groove Toyota
  • Durango Motors
  • Liberty Toyota
  • Mountain States Toyota
  • Sandia Toyota
  • Santa Fe Toyota
  • Stapp Interstate Toyota
  • Street Toyota
  • Webb Toyota

T-TEN Accreditation Information

SJC的丰田技术教育计划是由认证的 ASE Education Foundation. ASE教育基金会根据汽车服务行业制定的标准对入门级汽车技术教育项目进行评估和认证. It also develops career-readiness education for students, which fuses local partnerships, rigorous standard-based education, workplace experience, and mentorship together.

Next Steps

To enroll in the Toyota Technical Education Network program, you must first apply to San Juan College. It's easy, and you can apply online at any time!

Apply Now


Access the T-Ten Application

If you are already a student at San Juan College, 与汽车招聘人员谈谈我们的T-TEN学位和证书选择. 

Contact the Automotive Recruiter


Phone: (505) 566-3337

Trades and Technology
Room 2409

M-F 8 a.m - 5 p.m

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